How to Bring that New Year’s Buzz with us through 2022

Have you noticed how the new year always seems so full of possibility? There is a special energy in the air, the energy of a fresh start or a new beginning. I observed this with particular interest in myself heading into 2022. I had been dragging my feet on implementing some changes to my routine and feeling overwhelmed with my to-do list towards the end of December. Yet, suddenly as the New Year dawned I found a second wind! I changed up my routine quickly and easily and dove into my to-do list with renewed enthusiasm. Does this sound familiar to you? I know from speaking with clients and colleagues that this New Year Boost isn’t unique to me. 

So, what’s happening here? January 1st is, in reality, just another day. It is not endowed with magical energy. It is the meaning we ascribe to it that gives it its special power. The truth is that the energy and momentum we experience at the start of the year should be, and is, accessible to us every day of year.  Can we break the unhelpful cycle we have fallen into as a culture where we only get one chance a year at a fresh start? 

Is energy and willpower limited or renewable? 

To fully break this cycle, it might help to look at where our renewed energy and enthusiasm is really coming from. I believe our new year's energy boost has more to do with the fact that most of us just took time off and filled our cup, spending time with loved ones, eating good food, laughing, and relaxing, than it does with the start of the new year. This has some important information for us if we choose to slow down and pay attention. 

The latest research shows us that human willpower and energy are renewable resources. What I see time and time again is that we aren’t great at prioritizing the behaviours, actions, and choices that help us renew our energy. I see many people who seem to be stuck in an agonising cycle of burning out, only recovering half way, throwing themselves back into the frey, and quickly burning out again. I often realise I’m doing just that myself. Most of us are so acclimatized to being nearly burnt out that it has become our new norm. 

What does energy have to do with performance?

In short, everything. How much energy we have influences our motivation and commitment, our ability to stick with discomfort, our self-talk, the power of our limiting beliefs, our ability to manage negative emotions, our focus… need I go on? Without energy, performance and life in general can seem like a major struggle. It’s critical to remember that our energy is something we control. Sure, it’s influenced by what happens to us but ultimately we make the choices that either drain or fill our cups. 

So,what options do we have? I’m embarking on a little experiment this year and I invite you to join me. I have chosen energy as one of my top values for 2022. This means that I’m choosing to act in ways that support me to have the highest possible energy levels in my personal life, and in my business. I believe this will help me to recognise when my energy is dropping unsustainably and consciously do more of what fills my cup. The result? Hopefully I, and you, will be able to reset ourselves whenever needed throughout the year and access that magical burst of new year’s energy as we need it. 

Join me in shedding the limiting belief that there isn’t enough time or energy to accomplish our goals. 

That voice in your head telling you that? It’s lying to you. 

Choose to believe that it’s in your control, begin to make choices that allow you to re-energize as needed, and watch as consistently working towards your goals suddenly starts to feel less like a chore and more like exactly what you want to do with your time and energy.

Interested in discovering the key mental strategies that will improve your performance? Book a discovery call with Annika today!


Pushing through the hardest part of habit change


Values: An Essential Tool for Goal Setting